My new interview with Haruki Murakami in today's Daily Yomiuri
(photo courtesy of Lisa Kato) Haruki Murakami: Japan's 21st-century cultural ambassador Roland Kelts / Special to The Daily Yomiuri Two sharply contrasting portraits of a global Japan flashed simultaneously around the world this month, like one of those live, split-screen broadcasts of two different TV reporters stationed in distant countries. On one screen, viewers watched in morbid fascination as a narcotized and nearly comatose Japanese finance minister named Shoichi Nakagawa slurred his way through a press conference at the meeting of the Group of Seven finance ministers and central bank governors in Rome. Two days later, when news broke that Japan's economy had just suffered its worst contraction in 35 years, and that Nakagawa's boss, Prime Minister Taro Aso, himself suffering severe contractions in popularity, had yet to demand Nakagawa's resignation, the emerging picture of a dangerously dysfunctional government overseeing the world's second-largest ec...