Christian Science Monitor Probes Japanamerica

Earlier this week, Amelia Newcomb, senior editor at The Christian Science Monitor, published a series of articles under the rubrik, JAPAN INFLUENTIAL. The series is probing and thorough, covering Japan's overseas pop juggernaut, the nation's new efforts to exert 'soft power,' the rise of female voices via new technologies in contemporary Japanese literature, Japan's eco-friendly culture and more.

I and my dear friend Bruce Rutledge of Chin Music Press were interviewed by the amicable and very well-versed Newcomb for the stories, the first of which ran on page 1 of Monday's issue (above), and can be read HERE.

The second, about blogger-turned-novelist Mieko Kawakami and other innovative young female writers, features insights from another dear friend, Motoyuki Shibata, and can be read online HERE.


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