Monkey Biz #1 among "Best of 2011"

"...into the stratosphere."

We're chuffed to announce that the first issue of Monkey Business: New Voices from Japan is one of the "Seven Great Lit Mags of 2011," according to the Luna Park Review. 
We're twice-chuffed to yawp 'cross rooftops about Issue # 2 of Monkey Business, which is just now barreling down the tarmac. Barring bird strikes and other unnatural hazards, MB 2 will be fully airborne in late Feb./early March.
Plans are now set for a team of Japanese writers, editors and artists to soar into NYC from Tokyo and join select American authors for a week of launch events in Manhattan and Brooklyn during the first two weeks of May.
More TK.

You can read the Luna Park review of Monkey Business and six other gems here:
Thanks to the efforts of translator Ted Goossen and the editors of A Public Space, 2011 readers were introduced to the acclaimed Japanese literary magazine Monkey Business, edited by Motoyuki Shibata (curator, along with Roland Kelts, of the Focus: Japan portfolio in APS 1). According to Stuart Dybek’s letter inserted into the issue, “Each year, a magazine of highlights from issues of Monkey Business will appear in English translation via A Public Space…. The first issue features poetry, manga, a wide-ranging, in-depth interview with Haruki Murakami, fiction from Hideo Furukawa, a beautiful sequence of vignettes by Hiromi Kawakami, and much more.” The extensive, 50+ page interview with Murakami by Furukawa is enough in itself to make the issue a must-read. Adding Furukawa’s own story “Monsters,” Yoko Ogawa’s mesmerizing and disturbing “The Tale of the House of Physics,” and a manga comic based on Kafka’s “The Country Doctor,” sends the issue into the stratosphere. 

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