Back in NYC

Back from a long weekend in the Catskills (means "cat's creek," in Dutch, and suggests the presence of Bobcats and other felines, but now signifies numerous mountainous resorts north of the city)--and back in action, speaking tomorrow at Keio Academy New York.

On Friday I fly to Portland to appear at the SubVersion Anime Festival, then head to Seattle for meetings and friends.

Lots of activity on new and ongoing projects, including Anime Masters & Masterpieces and some just cinched West Coast bookings. More on that later.

NY radio just declared: "Tomorrow will be hazy, hot and humid," but when it comes to all three, Tokyo trumps NYC on any given summer's day. And muttering atsui ("it's hot") under one's breath eighty times an hour, as Tokyoites do, doesn't help a whit.

Finally realized that trekking between Tokyo and New York is not exactly a recipe for rest. But as Milton writes in Comus: 'what hath night to do with sleep?'

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